Xianlin New Town, Nanjing, China (2006)
Site Area: 9 sq.km.
GFA: 2,500,000 sqm
Type: master plan, infrastructure + environmental landscape systems, administration, faculty and teaching, sports, leisure and residential
The master plan approach attempts to respond to the dramatic changes which have affected the role and structure of chinese universities in the past decade, as they engage with the influence of changing approaches to education, the structuring of university courses, and the expectations and roles of students.
Through establishing as less formal and hierarchical organisation structure, the master plan’s dynamic and integrated approach provides a more compact, interconnected and vibrant campus to achieve this the traditional axial planning devices are replaced with a cellular network of connections and relationships derived from the mathematical algorithm of the voronoi.
This approach is utilised to both engage with the existing site’s varied topography and extensive water elements, as well as to develop an adaptive spatial organisation for the university’s functional programme.
The network’s plan is founded upon the proposed concept of two interlocking cellular systems: one structured around departmental teaching and administration facilities and the other upon student and faculty residential accommodation.
At the intersection of these two systems are common facilities such as sports, libraries, retail and associated student amenities.