Cultural Island Dubai



Dubai, UAE (2006-2007)
Site Area: 3.9 ha
GFA: 45,000 sqm
Type: museum, gallery, performance venue, retail, food + beverage


This comprehensive ensemble of museums, galleries, amphitheatres, restaurants and retail outlets is at the centre of dubai’s new creekfront ‘cultural village’ development, which is currently at the site infrastructure stage.
The museum island is the cultural focus of the project and is conceived as a significant new tourist destination for dubai.
Its internal organisation allows for a continuous flow of pedestrians from the souks to the island, with clear entry points into the museum and art gallery.
This flowing sequence also gives access to the main amphitheatre, which can be closed (acoustically and environmentally) or open. this sweeping line of movement terminates at the end of the island with commercial art galleries, restaurants and cafes supported by bookshops, crafts and retail tenancies.
The facades and surfaces of the building are formed out of a transformation of arabic geometry and give a visual and structural integration of this art within the architecture of the site.