昆山 滨水规划区
建筑面积:300,000 平方米
The landscape of Kunshan, typical of the lower Yangtze River delta area, is low and very flat, dramatically disrupted by the vertical form of Kun Shan (mountain).
The design proposes similarly surprising vertical elements in the form of two new towers: ?shan? tower and ?dragon? bridge tower, re-enacting the contrast between the horizontal and the vertical.
The masterplan develops a new approach for waterfront development, re-engaging the traditional potential of the water edge as a focus for public gathering with water plazas and a waterfront park plus a focus for pedestrian movement and retail activity.
Our ecological approach seeks to give new life to the water systems passing through the site to re-activate its natural flow and return it to a healthy and living system.
The primary functional components are a shopping street, department store, entertainment and leisure uses, a diverse range of food and beverage offerings, with home furnishing, appliance and convenience retail and supermarket to serve the adjacent residential development.
The two landmark buildings: ?shan? tower and ?dragon? bridge comprise serviced apartments and hotel respectively.