用地面积:1,800 公顷
开发面积:12,000,000 平方米
LAB 关于麒麟的设计是从对现有生态系统和用地条件的分析出发,将其演化发展成新城的框架结构,而不是将用地看作是一片白板。LAB利用现有的景观、水体、生态系统、聚落和基础设施、构成了新城未来的发展,并形成了整体城市形态。
The qilin quarter of the xianlin new urban area is located 10km from the centre of nanjing city in jiangsu province, china. The qilin sustainable framework plan proposes a new ecological and sustainable model for large-scale development in china, which engages with the practical realities of its realisation from planning policy through to detailed urban development guidelines.
lab’s approach to the qilin site is to evolve and develop the framework structure from an analysis of the site’s ecological systems and an understanding of its existing conditions. rather than approaching the site as a tabula rasa, lab use the existing landscape, water courses and ecologies, inhabitation patterns and infrastructure to inform the town’s future development and shape the creation of its overall urban form.
a series of linear districts located in response to the topographical constraints of the site connect the new town to the adjacent university and residential developments. each district provides a commercial centre as well as a diversity of functional programs and development parcel sizes, to create a vibrant urban environment.
lower density ‘green fingers’ separate the districts and provide close proximity to open space and a means for storm-water retention and recycling within the urban areas. a unique aspect of the plan is the reclamation of disused quarries in the mountain area as a distinctive site for building, focused upon eco-tourism and public facilities.