中国 无锡
建筑面积: 40817.81平方米
From the original post-industrial fa?ade style without personality of the original design, it gradually transitioned to reflect the happy and warm living scenes in the Taihu Lake Basin:
There are euphemistic transitions between super high-rises and small high-rises, transitions with high volume, and transitions from “hard” super high-rises to healthy green “soft” in garden communities (overlay design).
There is a transition of high volume to low volume, and there is also a transition of the hardness of the building facade to the softness of the healthy green community garden(superimposed flower bed design).
Make proper optimization and adjustment on the general circulation. The improvement of the quality of the passive house is reflected in the removal of non-essential decorative components on the facade, and the reduction of the bay window components of the hot bridge and cold bridge,
so that the quality of the house itself is improved, and the home is healthy, comfortable and affordable.